Add deep male sensual relaxation and pleasure to your massage experience.
Full Body Clay Wrap. Get naked and make yourself comfortable on the massage table. Enjoy an all over salt scrub to prepare and exfoliate the skin. This will be removed with moist towels. Enjoy the soothing feeling of having moist, refreshing, all natural, healing clay caringly applied to all areas of your body. Enjoy having it massaged into your body as the deep natural essential elements ease away stress and tension. Be fully wrapped in cloths to encase you in the healing clay to allow it to fully do it's deep, penetrating work. Fall into a deep refreshing sleep in a darkened room. Upon awakening have your full naked body scrubbed and cleansed of all clay and feel the fresh, tingling, invigorating results as you are intimately and sensually washed and rubbed all over. Be tenderly dried all over and laid down again for your full body warm oil, sensual, intimate relaxing massage. Enjoy a full male relief experience. Finally float out the door and feel great for days to come. Clay Facials and Masks Enjoy a gentle salt scrub facial cleanser. Relax ( maybe sleep ) while a light face clay mask is applied. Feel fully relaxed as you allow the mask to do it's deep penetrating healing work. Sleep and indulge in the pampering. Have the clay face mask removed with moistened, scented cloths. Get naked and step into the bath to have your face gently scrubbed to remove any traces of clay that may remain and to leave you feeling tingling with freshness and energy and vitality. Enjoy a full body, erotic shower scrub ensuring your male energy is ignited. Be tenderly dried all over and laid down again for your full body warm oil, sensual, intimate relaxing massage. Enjoy a full male relief experience. Finally float all the way home and feel the difference in your life for days to come. |